Sumber : Penny Oliver Cuisine 2005
Cake :
4 bh telur utuh,3/4 cup gula kastor,2/3 cup terigu all purpose, 1/3 cup maizena, 1sdt baking powder
- Kocok telur menggunakan mixer hingga naik dan kental.
- Tambahkan gula sedikit demi sedikit sambil terus dikocok hingga adonan putih dansangat kental.
- Ayak semua bahan kering lalu campurkan ke dalam adonan telur hingga rata.
- Tuang ke dalam loyang ukuran 26-28cm yang sudahdiolesi mentega dan ditaburi tepung.
- Panggang dengan oven yang sudah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu suhu 190C selama 25-30 menit.
- Keluarkan cake dari loyang dan letakkan ke atas rak, dinginkan. Letakkan cake keatas piring saji.
- Eratkan aluminium foil ke sekeliling cake (kalau mau bisa pakai baking paper tapi digandakan, supaya bisa tegak dan lebih kukuh kalau disiram dengan mousse nantinya).
Mousse :
250g cooking chocolate, 6 kuning telur, 250g mentega suhu ruang, 6 putih telur
- Tim coklat hingga leleh. Kocok kuning telur lalu campurkan dengan coklat, aduk rata.
- Tambahkan mentega sambil dikocok. Kocok putih telurhingga kaku.
- Masukkan adonan putih telur ke dalam adonan coklat.
- Tuang adonan ini ke atas cake. Tutup dan dinginkan selama 4 jam atau semalaman.
- (Jika menggunakan thickened cream, pakai 250g lalu kocok dan campurkan ke dalam adonan coklat).

Untuk mousse, silakan divariasi dengan flavour macamfrangelico, cointreau, brandy, atau vanili. Putih telur bisa digantidengan thickened cream jika ragu-ragu menggunakan putih telur.Garnish/hiasan bisa divariasi dengan serutan coklat, coklat bubuk,atau fresh fruit jika memang sesuai selera.
Topping :
300ml krim, kocok, 100g cooking chocolate dilelehkan dengan 50ml krim dan 3 sdm brandy (brandy bisa dihilangkan atau diganti dengan vanili—meskipun tidak sama setidaknya ini memberi flavour ke coklat)
Tutup cake dengan krim kocok lalu tuangi coklat leleh tadi. Potong dansajikan dengan sedikit tambahan coklat leleh di sisinya. (You can use your imagination and your own style on this! Have fun!)
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Chocolate Mousse Cake
Sumber: Penny Oliver. Cuisine. 2005.
4 eggs, ¾ cup caster sugar, 2/3 cup flour (all-purposed), 1/3 cupcornflour, 1 tsp baking powder.
Beat the eggs with an electric beater until very thick and fluffy. Slowly add the sugar and continue beating until the mixture becomeswhite and very thick. Sift all the dry ingredients together and gentlyfold them into the egg mixture.
Pour the cake mixture into a butteredand floured 26-28cm spring form cake tin.
Bake in a preheated oven at190C for 25-30 minutes. Turn the cake onto a rack and cool.
Transfer the sponge to a serving plate. Fix a fold of strong tin foil around the cake to form a collar, ready to receive the chocolate mousse mixture.
Mousse: 250g cooking chocolate, 6 egg yolks, 250g soft butter, 6 egg whites
Melt the chocolate over hot water. Beat the egg yolks and blend withthe chocolate to mix well.
Beat in the softened butter. Beat the eggwhites stiff to the stiff peak stage.
Fold the stiffly beaten eggwhites into the chocolate mixture. Pour the chocolate mixture over thecake.
Cover and refrigerate for 4 hours or overnight.
Note :
For mousse you can mix with some flavours like frangelico, cointreau, brandy, vanili etc,
Egg whites you can replace with tickened cream and garnish with your taste…!!
Topping: 300ml cream, whipped, 100g cooking chocolate melted with 50ml of cream and 3 Tbs of brandy
Cover the cake with whipped cream and drizzle over a little melted,flacoured chocolate. With each slice of cake serve a little extra flavoured, melted chocolate on the side.
halo ema ato arfi...koq gak ada round-up ya kali ini?
Iya nih Liz, Ema lagi coba-coba menguasai jurus-jurus blogging lewat blogspot hehehe.... sabar ya.